I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
Wide-eyed with a buckled stance and a tin cup,
Hoping that life will gift her with Change
But Hope never asked for money and dollars
Only for possibilities.
Packaged in metal coins
That never found space in her pocket.
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
I was begging for Change at the corner
Distilled with centuries of racial violence
Yet still Hoping for a better tomorrow
Since the beginning 2 letters of HOpe—-H and O
Means Hell and O my God
But shhh!!!
Don’t say another word.
For every call for help
Is a battle for freedom
But Change
Is coming to show what humanity
Really looks like
Packaged in the original image of Eve
Covering the invisible scars
That is unapologetically me
Praying for Change
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
They call me Change
Because of my infinite possibilities
Mama said if you can match Intellect with social justice and time
I will be born
But I have never really been welcomed
In this world where Change means justice for all
Cuz justice for all means
Living a similar life
For the same amount of time
With the same stigmata
And we all know that justice has never really been for all
But I am still
To bring Change
So they named me for Hope
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
Hope, at the corner,
An unseen humanity with a lost voice
She holds a placard, her face a mother
Nine months in the present and even Sam Cooke’s
♬ A change is gonna come ♬
Can’t get empathetic professionals to bother
She already understands,
No struggle, no progress
She’s walking, but there’s no movement.
She has the anti-pandemic–racist, covid, Black death.
She’s looking for Change in the heart that cares for hearts
Humanitarians, astronomers, and ethnographers for the space of our future
With telescopic eyes for a vision of perfection that is exclusive
High on disdain but low on inclusivity,
There’s a deficiency that makes them hear
Her scream for attention
As a scream for attention.
So, all rooms in the History Hospital are taken
Except for the ones for disrespect and ignorance.
Though she bears the Change we have been expecting.
Security of a status quo escorts Hope out.
She moves with the breathlessness of a mother about to give birth.
The sanctity of pregnancy is left at the curb of injustice
As Hope experiences the inequity of being…
Black, Woman, Mother, and Child
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
Twenty-four hours of labor
In Blackness
Hoping to naturally deliver Change
But the pain was too intense
So, I surrendered to anesthesia
Contraction numbed but not blind.
Hands out, fisted
With legs open
Begging for Change
Stilled but very vocal
Pushing against the time
Apgar 1 minute
Hoping to change a dollar
To ten at 5 minutes
Standing alone on the precipice of
Oppression will not be your play gym
There will be no Legos
Or imaginary building blocks
That confines us to silence
No Barbie dolls or
Wolverine figurines
Miming a make-believe hero
When Hope is standing right before you
As my uterus ruptures
The blood-stained bills
Will only cash out the effect
without any account for the cause
That they don’t respond to us
Unless our bodies are already unresponsive
But I saw Change
Looking at me for the first time
As if my name was etched on the corner
But I am just Hope
Delivering a deliverance
Standing on the corner
Begging for Change
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
I am Change
I am the Change that you Hoped for
When men’s hands are bound
Shackled to the Ugliness
Cemented to the ground
I am the Change that comes
I am the water that has melted from ice
I am the heated combustion of H-2-O
That transforms into fire
I am the grapes left in the heat
That becomes a raisin in the sun
I am the reminder
That racism is a habit
So I’ll never let you forget
About your addiction
I am the Great Lakes
Not easily formed when glaciers melt
I am the deep wounds
Borrowing upon time to granulate
I am the timely thrombolytics
That breaks pulmonary clots
I am the intravenous magnesium
An anti-eclamptic stabilizer of the brain
I am the vigilance
Post VBAC that will diagnose the rupture
Just in time
I am Change
A nickel minus
A penny four your thoughts
I add up
In a tin cup
For Hope
Where she stands on the corner
Wide-eyed with a buckled stance
I Hope 4 Change
Remembering that
I saw Hope begging for Change at the corner
~by Princess E. Dennar, MD
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Create a short narrative that centers the patient’s experience told through the lens of the provider, student, or patient as it relates to social determinants in medicine, restorative justice in medicine, and health equity.
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